Project “Company Health”

As part of our long-term project “Corporate Health,” it should not remain with the already successful active break. That is why two of our colleagues sat down with the Barmer health insurance. This has made great suggestions, all of which cost nothing to little and lead to great insights and results in the area of health with little effort.
Balance Check
At the beginning of July, therefore, Barmer will be with us in the house to carry out a balance check that day. During this check, a measurement of the fluctuation of the heart rate is carried out via the breathing movement. This data can be used to determine the current state of regulatory and regenerative capacity by the autonomic nervous system. The ability to regulate is necessary in all situations of life, so that a person can regenerate appropriately, both physically and emotionally.
Water Day
During the water day, two colleagues will provide all employees with information about drinking. So it will be also about making the connection between drinking and weight loss for example. In addition, it is especially important in the summer to provide the body with sufficient fluid so that the organism can withstand the stresses of everyday working life.