Special equipment for industry

AS Tech Druckübersetzer

Pressure Intensifier

Our pressure intensifier is useable with existing hydraulic pumps from low-pressure application or from hydraulic torque wrenches application – up to 3000 bar. Connection is possible to pumps made by all manufacturers and suitable for pressure ratio up to 1:16.

AS Tech Handhebelpumpe

Hand-lever pump

With our hand-lever pumps you can easily generate a hydraulic pressure up to 2500 bar. The pumps are mainly suitable to operate small devices or during maintenance. Manual operation is independent from an external energy supply. Of course, we are pleased to offer you special solutions regarding tank size, max. pressure and construction of the…

AS Tech Spannwegabhängige Ausführung mit Passblech

Clamping stroke dependent version with spacer plate

The hydraulic nut consists essentially of an internally threaded cylinder, a piston and a splitted spacer plate. The hydraulic nut will be pressurized up to the desired pre-tensioning force. This creates a gap between the piston and cylinder corresponding to the elongation and compression of the components. In this calculated gap the corresponding spacer plate…

AS Tech BodAS / BomAS

BodAS / BomAS

BodAS (Documentation System) Automatic documentation of all screw connections in the force flow Transmission of the datas by radio (2.4 GHz) Evaluation of data via Windows (Printable) Usable for bolt tensioners as well as for torque tools Bidirectional data transfer possible Control of the aggregates with the corresponding PDA BomAS (Monitoring System) Measuring physical sizes…

AS Tech Hydraulikzylinder und -komponenten

Hydraulic cylinders and components

AS Tech has longtime experience in the manufacture or repair and installation of hydraulic cylinders. Use this experience to your advantage and get a comprehensive service from one source. All cylinders and components are manufactured in our own production . You benefit from an expanded knowledge and years of experience of our team of designers,…

AS Tech Elektrohydraulikaggregat

Electrical hydraulic power unit for Torque wrenches

Qur electro-hydraulic power units have been developed for all common hydraulic torque wrenches. The units are ideally suited for continuous operation thanks to active recirculation cooling. Due to the compact and ergonomic design including support frame, a safe and comfortable screwing ist possible.